Families InFocus relies on income from grants and individuals to allow us to deliver our vital services. Any amount you can donate will make a difference.
The difference your donation can make
- £15 donation provides 1:1 support with accessing disability benefits
- £20 donation will fund a call with one of our Family Support Advisers
- £50 donation can help fund a request for an Education and Health Care Needs Assessment
- £100 donation will fund intensive, on-going one to one support with a family in need

Martin, parent and trustee
Over the years I have valued the help and assistance that Families In Focus have given my family in navigating some of the challenges raising a child with special or additional needs presents, including at times of crisis. Their support and advice, and sometimes just a listening ear from someone who understands, has helped us and meant so much.
As a way of saying thank you, I set up a monthly standing order to help support Families InFocus so that other families facing the same or similar challenges can also benefit from what Families InFocus can offer.
If Families InFocus has been of assistance to you, and if you are able to, would you consider setting up a monthly standing order of £5 to help provide support to other families finding themselves in similar circumstances? Every donation, especially regular monthly donations of whatever amount, will help us continue to provide support to more families. Thank you.