Primary school children in a school corridor, smiling. The girl in front is wearing a white shirt and a grey dress.

Help and advice with education

Education Advice

Our team of highly skilled Family Support Advisers offer advice, practical and emotional support to parent carers of SEND children and young people with education issues, and regularly support with different types of SEND appeal tribunals. We also provide advice surrounding exclusions and support with various stages in the EHCP process – whether for new applications, assessments, plans, placements, EHCP reviews or mediation support.

Family Support Advisers have many years’ experience, professional knowledge and lived experience. They have undertaken Level 3 IPSEA SEND law training, which looks in depth at specific law relating to children and young people with SEND. They have in depth knowledge of the SEN Code of Practice and procedures and how these translate practically on a day-to-day level for children and young people with SEND.

Strong local knowledge and established links with professionals and community groups across Essex, means that we have a unique understanding of the issues facing families and children within different educational settings across the county.

We have supported thousands of Essex families with education advice, and play a vital role in working with families and young people, schools, colleges, and professional services to de-code information from the SEND code of practice and professional reports and find better ways for parent carers and schools to communicate.

Our independence from statutory services is valued by families and helps build trusting relationships within our community.

Thank you so much, we would never have got our son’s EHC without FIF’s help. J was fantastic. He is doing really well in mainstream school as a result and the work FIF does is more important than ever now that so many more children are being denied help that previously would not have been difficult to obtain” – Parent carer

For more information on SEND education topics, please go to our individual pages. For in depth support and guidance please go to our self-referral form.



Starting school is a huge milestone, which comes with extra challenges for children with special needs and disabilities. The link below provides resources to help families feel confident, knowledgeable, empowered and ready for their child to transition from early years to school.

Early Years to Primary Transitions


Starting secondary school is a big deal, and moving up to “big” school can feel more challenging for families who have children with additional needs. The link below has information and resources to help children and families feel more confident about the change.

Primary to Secondary Transitions

Advice & Resources

Benefits Advice

Benefits Advice

Information on disability related benefits, including disability living allowance (DLA) and personal independence payment (PIP).

All Resources

Not sure what you need help with? Click here to find a list of all our SEND resources.

Our Services

Click here to find out about the range of services Families InFocus can offer.

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